Offering Net-30 Terms? Will Your Client Pay on Time?

One of the many challenges that small business owners face is having to offer net-30 to net-60 payment terms to clients. While offering net-30 terms can help you increase sales, it also exposes your business to credit risk. Basically, your company could run into cash flow problems if your client pays late, or worse, doesn’t pay […]

Five Options for Companies that are Running Low on Cash

Running out of money is a common problem for startups and many small businesses. It’s one of the worst things that can happen to a business owner. Without money, you can’t pay salaries, vendors, or any bills. Unless you fix the problem quickly, you could go out of business. One of the greatest misconceptions about cash […]

How to Ask Friends to Invest in Your Business

I have always believed that the best way to finance a business is through self-financing. It has a number of advantages, if you can afford it. The most important one is that you have complete freedom to run your business as you see fit. You don’t owe anything to anyone. As a matter of that, […]

How I Financed My Startup

I have started writing posts about my experiences launching Commercial Capital LLC, my factoring company. My last post covered how I changed industries to launch the company. In this post, I am going to tell you how I financed the company. By the way, this is not a tale of interminable venture capital pitches or […]

How To Finance Growth After a Successful Kickstarter Campaign

Let’s assume that you have a great product that you want to launch. It solves a very specific problem, has mass appeal, and is destined for success. If you are like most entrepreneurs nowadays, you will create a crowdfunding campaign to see if your product has traction. Entrepreneurs do this every day through well-known platforms such […]

Should I Ask Friends and Family to Invest in My Business?

Finding the right type of business financing – or any financing, for that matter – is one of the greatest challenges that entrepreneurs face. Unfortunately, a brilliant business plan (or idea) won’t help you much unless you have the money to launch the startup. Asking your friends and family to invest in a business is a […]

Self-Financing Your Business. It’s up to You

Finding a way to finance their business is one of the biggest challenges for an entrepreneur. Obviously, without money, you won’t be able to execute your business plan and start your company. The media is full of stories of entrepreneurs getting funded through venture capital, angel financing, or other external sources. The popularity of these stories […]